Family Game NIght


Do you spend enough time with your kids? Recent studies by Pew Research show that 46 percent of fathers feel they are not spending enough time with their children, and 23 percent of mothers feel the same. This is not surprising, given that mothers, on average, spend twice as much time with their children as fathers do. Many families are considering various family game night ideas in order to increase the amount of time they spend together.

Family time is important, not only for forming bonds between family members but giving children a sense of stability and enjoyment in being a part of their familial unit. It is important for parents as well, since not communicating with each other and their children is often a source of adult stress. Family game nights, held once a week or on another schedule of your choosing, are often a great way to bring the family together in a fun and low stress environment. Here are some family game night ideas for your to consider.


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